Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mixing it up across the pond

Hey. So I've been in Scotland so I haven't been posting. However I did just see a mixed metaphor in the library where I am writing this post. There was a flyer that said:
Unlocking your hidden heritage
Which I explained to my friend is a mixed metaphor since it mixes a metaphor of a locked door with a hidden treasure. He didn't believe me, but he's wrong. That's ok, I still love him.

So I'll be back in the states next week but to hold you over until then here is one coming from the Clinton campaign.

Pesident Clinton worked the western part of the state while his wife was in the eastern half at the front end of a six-week sprint until Pennsylvania's primary.

"Hillary, Chelsea and I expect to cover Pennsylvania like a wet blanket between now and April 22," he said. -source

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